Early Stages Of Collective Action ~ Chapter 4 (Question and Answer) Madhyamik

 Early Stages Of Collective Action

( Questions and Answers ) WBBSE

1 Marks Questions And Answers:


Question 1. Name a few English people who called the Sepoy Mutiny a National Revolt.

Answer: Tory leader Disreily and English thinkers like J.B. Norton, Alexander Duff, Maleson, Bol, James, Outram and Holmes.

Question 2. Who formed the Society for the Acquisition of General Knowledge?

Answer: Pyarichand Mitra, Debendranath Tagore and two hundred other like-minded people.

Question 3. What was the name of the society formed by Kalinath Chowdhury, Prasanna Kumar Tagore and Dwarkananth Tagore?

Answer: Bangabhasha Prakashika Sabha.

Question 4. Which was the largest political institution in the pre-Congress era?

Answer: Bharat Sabha or Indian Association.

Question 5. Name a few old literatures which helped in the growth of nationalist feelings by influencing the Indian Literature.

Answer: ‘Pamela’ by Samuel Richardson, ‘Hard Times’ and ‘Oliver Twist’ by Charles Dickens, ‘Germinal’ by Emil Zola, ‘Mayor of Casterbridge’ by Thomas Hardy and ‘Robinson Crusoe’ by Daniel Defoe.

Question 6. Name the famous painting by Abanindranath Tagore which greatly inspired nationalist feelings among Indian people.

Answer: Bharat Mata.

Question 7. Who wrote ‘Anandamath’?

Answer: Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.

Question 8. Who said these words: ‘the soil of India is my heaven, India’s well-being is my well-being’?

Answer: Swami Vivekananda.

Question 9. Who is called the father of modern nationalist Bengali cartoons?

Answer: Gaganendranath Tagore.

Question 10. Who was given the title of the ‘Empress of India’ in 1877?

Answer: Queen Victoria.

Question 11. Who organised a special court in Allahabad as a representative of Queen Victoria?

Answer: Lord Canning.

Question 12. Who was the editor of the journal ‘Sangbad Prabhakar’?

Answer: Ishwar Chandra Gupta.

Question 13. Who established ‘Bharat Sabha’?

Answer: Surendranath Banerjee.

Question 14. Which was the first historical novel of Bankim Chandra?

Answer: Anandamath.

Question 15. Who was the editor of the journal ‘The Bengalee’?

Answer: Surendranath Banerjee.

Question 16. Who said these words ‘The soil of India is Heaven to me’?

Answer: Swami Vivekananda.

Question 17. Who introduced the Enfield Rifle?

Answer: The British.

Question 18. Name a Rani who valiantly fought against the British.

Answer: Lakshmi Bai.

Question 19. When was the Azamgarh proclamation issued?

Answer: 1857.

Question 20. The Queen’s Proclamation was issued in the name of which Queen of England?

Answer: Victoria.

Question 21. Who was the Mughal Emperor at the time of the Great Mutiny (1857)?

Answer: Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah.

Question 22. Who was the Governor-General of India at the time of the Great Revolt of 1857?

Answer: Lord Canning.

Question 23. Write the name of a leader of the Great Revolt of 1857.

Answer: Nana Saheb.

Question 24. In which year did the Sepoy Mutiny break out?

Answer: In 1857 AD.

Question 25. What was the immediate cause of the Revolt of 1857?

Answer: Introduction of Enfield Rifle.

Question 26. What was the new type of rifle introduced by the British for the use of the Indian sepoys?

Answer: Enfield Rifle.

Question 27. Who was the first martyr of the Revolt of 1857?

Answer: Mangal Pandey.

Question 28. Name two women leaders of the Sepoy Mutiny.

Answer: Rani Laxmi Bai and Begum Hazrat Mahal.

Question 29. Who led the Revolt of 1857 in Lucknow?

Answer: Begum Hazrat Mahal.

Question 30. Who was the leader of the Revolt of 1857 at Jhansi?

Answer: Rani Laxmi Bai.

Question 31. Who was the leader of the Revolt of 1857 at Kanpur?

Answer: Nana Saheb.

Question 32. Name two centers of the Sepoy Mutiny.

Answer: Meerut and Barrackpore.

Question 33. Who was the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao 2?

Answer: Nana Saheb.

Question 34. Whom did the mutineers proclaim the emperor of Hindustan?

Answer: Bahadur Shah 2

Question 35. In which year was the Queen’s Proclamation issued?

Answer: In 1858.

Question 36. Who was the Queen of England at the time of the transfer of power?

Answer: Victoria.

Question 37. Where did the revolt of 1857 break out?

Answer: At Meerut in UP.

Question 38. When was the Act for Better Government of India passed?

Answer: In 1858 AD.

Question 39. Who was the first Viceroy of India?

Answer: Lord Canning.

Question 40. Name a leader of Bihar in the Revolt of 1857.

Answer: Kunwar Singh.

Question 41. What was the nature of the Revolt of 1857?

Answer: Popular revolt.

Question 42. Who passed the Act for the Better Government of India?

Answer: British Parliament.

Question 43. By what name is the Act of 1858 known?

Answer: Queen’s Proclamation of India Act or Better Government of India.

Question 44. When did the East India Company’s rule in India come to an end?

Answer: In 1858 AD.

Question 45. In which year did Queen Victoria get the title ‘Empress of India’?

Answer: Queen Victoria got the title ‘Empress of India’ on 1st January 1877 AD.

Question 46. Under which Act, the Company’s rule ended?

Answer: The rule of the company was ended by an Act for the Better Government of India, which was passed on 2nd August 1858 AD.

Question 47. In which year the Board of Control and Court of Directors were abolished?

Answer: These were abolished in 1858 AD.

Question 48. Who started the Sepoy Mutiny and when and where?

Answer: Sepoy Mutiny was started by Mangal Pandey on 29th March 1857 AD in the military base at Barrackpore.

Question 49. Which revolt was initiated at Bhagmidi field?

Answer: Santhal revolt.

Question 50. Name the last Governor General of East India Company.

Answer: Lord Dalhousie.

Question 51. When was the proclamation of Queen Victoria published?

Answer: The proclamation of Queen Victoria was published on 1st November 1858 A.D.

Question 52. What is the meaning of the word Viceroy?

Answer: The meaning of the word Viceroy is Royal representative.

Question 53. In which year did the ruling of the Viceroy start in India?

Answer: The Ruling of Viceroy started in India in 1858 A.D

Question 54. Name the Patrika in which the first modern Indian cartoon was published.

Answer: Amrit Bazar Patrika.

Question 55. Name the first Indian Cartoon Magazine.

Answer: Dechi Sketch Book.

Question 56. In which year was Dechi Sketch Book published?

Answer: 1850.

Question 57. What kind of magazine was Dechi Sketch Book?

Answer: Monthly Magazine.

Question 58. In which year was Zamindar Sabha formed?

Answer: In 1837.

Question 59. Which organisation is regarded as the first political association of Bengal?

Answer: Bangabhasa Prakashika Sabha.

Question 60. Who was the first chairman of Bangabhasha Prakashika Sabha?

Answer: Gaurishankar Tarkabagish.

Question 61. Who called Queen’s proclamation as a political bluff?

Answer: Bipin Chandra.

Question 62. Who called the time period of Queen Victoria the ‘era of broken pledges’?

Answer: R.C. Majumdar.

Question 63. Who formed the Puna Sarbojonik Sabha?

Answer: Gopal Hari Deshmukh.

Question 64. Who formed ‘East India Association, London’?

Answer: Dadabhai Naoroji and K. R. Kama.

Question 65. Who formed ‘The Bombay Presidency Association’?

Answer: Firoz Shah Mehta, Badruddin Tayebji and Kashinath Trimbak Telang.

Question 66. Who formed ‘Sanjeevani Sabha’?

Answer: Jyotirindra Nath Tagore.

Question 67. Who declared the revolt of 1857 as ‘The National Revolt’?

Answer: Disraeli, the leader of the Tory party.

Question 68. Which historian thinks that the revolt of 1857 was a feudal revolt?

Answer: R. C. Majumdar.

Question 69. Name the largest political institution in the pre-congress era.

Answer: Indian Association or Bharat sabha.

Question 70. Who wrote the book Eighteen Fifty-Seven (1857)?

Answer: Surendra Nath Sen wrote the book ‘Eighteen Fifty-Seven’, (1857).

2 Marks Questions And Answers:

Question 1. What do you understand by collective action?

Answer: “United we stand”: Thus goes the proverbial saying. This power develops through collective action. Numerous institutions and organisations have been formed for the development of united and collective power. Initially, it was the rich and socially higher classes of people, influenced by Western education, who took initiative for some united movement. Later on, the movement became universal among people irrespective of their race, caste or creed.

Question 2. Who announced the Queen’s Proclamation and when?

Answer: Lord Canning after being appointed as the first Viceroy of India, representing Victoria, the Queen of England (1837-1901), organised a formal court in Allahabad. In this court, on 1st November 1858, he read out a proclamation on behalf of the Queen. This came to be known as “The Proclamation of the Queen”

Question 3. What was the ‘Queen’s Proclamation’?

Answer: Queen Victoria of England announced a proclamation after the Sepoy mutiny promising of providing some facilities and benefits to the IndiAnswer: This was made just to pacify them. Her representative Lord Canning announced this as the Queen’s proclamation in the Allahabad Conference.

Question 4. What was the purpose of Hindu Mela?

Answer: The main purpose of the Hindu Mela was to re-establish the dignity of the ancient Hindu religion and inspire people in the ideal of patriotism and freedom movement.

Question 5. Name the authors of the two novels ‘Gora’ and ‘Anandamath’.

Answer: Gora was written by Rabindranath Tagore and Anandamath was written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee.

Question 6. Give a description of the painting ‘Bharat Mata’ by Abanindra Nath Tagore.

Answer: Abanindranath’s Bharatmata has four hands. A special characteristic of this painting is that the nationalist spirit flows through it. She wears saffron clothes and appears as a woman saint. On her two left hands, she holds a book and a bunch of paddies. On the two right hands, we find a pair of white clothing and a sting of Rudraksha (sacred beads).

Question 7. Why is the 19th century called the Age of Associations?

Answer: The whole of the nineteenth century has seen the formation and development of many associations. So, Cambridge historian Dr Anil Sil, in his book ‘The Emergence of Indian Nationalism: Competition and Collaboration in the Late Nineteenth Century’, has called this period “an age of associations”.

Question 8. Who was the main founder of Bharat Sabha and what was the name of its main journal?

Answer: Surendranath Banerjee was the main founder of Bharat Sabha. Its main journal was ‘The Bengalee’.

Question 9. Why was Gaganendra Nath called the father of Bengali cartoon pictures?

Answer: The single-coloured or bi-coloured cartoons mirrored the Bengali society of that time. It was not just in Bengal, but the importance of Indian cartoons increased manifold under Gaganendranath. Hence, he is often called the father of modern nationalist Bengali cartoons.

Question 10. Mention two causes of failure of the Great Revolt of 1857.

Answer: Causes of the failure of the revolt of 1857 are as follows:

(1)Local limitations: Though the sepoys revolted over a large area from Eastern Punjab to Western Bihar, it had no effect on the entire sub-continent. It was not felt elsewhere except some portions of Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Bundelkhand, Oudh, Bengal and Bihar.

(2)Lack of public support: Though there was public support for the revolt in many places like Jhansi, Oudh and Delhi, people of other areas were reluctant to sympathise with the sepoys. The king of Gwalior, Sindhia and his minister Dinkar Rao, Jang Bahadur of Nepal, the Nawab of Hyderabad, the Begum of Bhopal, and the king of Jodhpur had helped the British to subdue the rebels.

Question 11. In 1857 who was declared to be the ‘Emperor of Hindustan’ by the rebel sepoys? Where was he banished later on?

Answer: Bahadur Shah 2, the then Mughal Emperor, was declared the ‘Emperor of Hindustan’ by the rebels of 1857. The British suppressed the Revolt of 1857 within a very short time. Immediately after that, the British had done away with the very existence of the Mughal emperor in India. Bahadur Shah 2 was banished from India to Rangoon, present-day Yangon.

Question 12. What international events encouraged the Revolt of 1857?

Answer: When the resentment against the British was growing among the Indian sepoys, news of some international events helped to generate a sense of self-confidence in them. The setback of the British soldiers in the first Afghan War (1839) and the Crimean War (1854) indirectly helped the sepoys to be so determined as to rise in revolt against the British.

Question 13. Name two centers other than Meerut which became important for rebel activities. How did the Rani of Jhansi fight the British?

Answer: Lucknow and Kanpur were the two important centers of the Revolt of 1857. Rani of Jhansi, with a view to recovering her kingdom Jhansi from the British herself, took command of her army. She wrested Gwalior from the British with the help of Tanya Tope.

Question 14. Who was known as the ‘Tiger of the Revolt of 1857’? Where did he hoist his own flag?

Answer: Kunwar Singh was known as the ‘Tiger of the Revolt of 1857’. He was a big zamindar of Jagdishpur in Bihar. He hoisted his own flag at the top of his royal palace at Jagadishpur.

Question 15. What was the immediate cause of the Revolt of 1857?

Answer: The episode of the greased cartridges constituted the immediate cause of the revolt of 1857. The new Enfield Rifle introduced by the British had a greased paper cover in its cartridge that had to be bitten off before it was loaded. There was a rumor that the paper was made of beef and pig fat. This enraged both the Hindu and Muslim sepoys who burst out in rebellion.

Question 16. Name two historians who called the revolt of 1857 A.D. a Sepoy Revolt.

Answer: Sir John Silly & Charles Robert said that the revolt of 1857 was just a sepoy mutiny.

Question 17. Who said the revolt of 1857 A.D. as the First War of Indian independence?

Answer: S.C.Bose & V.D. Savarkar said that the revolt of 1857 was the first war of Independence.

Question 18. What information do we get from the caricature of Gaganedra Nath Tagore?

Answer: Through his cartoons, he criticised colonialism in contemporary society. He criticised certain sections of the British Indian colonialist society and the ‘babu culture’ of western educated people through his cartoons and was able to enhance the fondness for traditional Indian culture among the Bengali gentry.

Question 19. When was Nana Sahab declared the Peshwa of Kanpur?

Answer: Nana Saheb was declared Peshwa of Kanpur on 6th June 1857.

Question 20. When and who founded the Landholders’ Society?

Answer: The landholder’s society was founded in 1838 by Dwarkanath Tagore.

Question 21. Who were the members of the Landholders' Association?

Answer: Radhakanta Dev, Rammohan Roy, Prasanna Kumar Tagore, and Dwarkanath Tagore were the members of the Landholders” Association.

Question 22. Where were the branches of the Indian Association?

Answer: Indian Association had branches in Agra, Kanpur, Lucknow and Meerut.

Question 23. Who and when founded Hindu Mela?

Answer: Hindu Mela was founded by Navgopala Mitra in 1867.

Question 24. Who and when founded National Gymnasium?

Answer: National Gymnasium was founded by Nabagopala Mitra in the year 1868.

Question 25. Who were the main students of the National Gymnasium?

Answer: The main students of the National Gymnasium were Bipin Chanda Pal, Sundari Mohan Das, Rajchandra Chaudhury and Swami Vivekananda.

Question 26. Who and when founded the Bengal British Association?

Answer: George Thomson founded the Bengal British India Society in 1843.

Question 27. Who and when founded the British Indian Association?

Answer: Raja Radhakanta Deb founded the British Indian Association on 2nd October 1851.

Question 28. Which journal reported the failure of Bangabhasa Prakashika Sabha? Why did it fail?

Answer: Sambad Prabhakar in its 2 March 1852 edition reported about the failure of all the associations that followed the Bangabhasa Prakashika Sabha. The associations could not survive because of their ‘lack of unity”.

Question 29. Who and where founded the East India Association?

Answer: Dadabhai Naoroji founded East Indian Association in London.

Question 30. Who and when founded Poona Sarvajanik Sabha?

Answer: Poona Sarvajanik Sabha was founded in 1867 by Gopal Hari Deshmukh.

Question 31. Who and where founded the Indian League?

Answer: Indian League was founded by Sisir Kumar Ghosh in 1875.

Question 32. Who and when founded the Bombay Association?

Answer: Jagannath Shankar in 1852 founded Bombay Association.

Question 33. Who and when founded the Calcutta Students' Association?

Answer: Calcutta Students' Association was founded by Anand Mohan Bose in 1875.

Question 34. Who and when founded the National India Association?

Answer: National India Association was founded by Mary Carpenter in 1857.

Question 35. Who and where founded Indian Society?

Answer: Ananda Mohan Bose founded Indian Society in London.

Question 36. Who and when founded Madras Mahajan Sabha?

Answer: Madras Mahajan Sabha was founded by Raghavachari and S. Ayyer in 1884. 

Question 37. Who and when founded the Bombay Presidency Association?

Answer: Bombay Presidency Association was founded by Firozshah Tayabbji in 1885.

Question 38. Who and when wrote the novel Anandamath?

Answer: Bankim Chandra Chatterjee wrote the novel Anandamath in 1882.

Question 39. Who and when wrote Bartaman Bharat?

Answer: Swami Vivekananda wrote Bartaman Bharat in 1905.

Question 40. What is the subject matter of Bartaman Bharat?

Answer: In “Bartaman Bharat”, not only did Swami Vivekanada talk about the awakening of lower caste people, he thought deeply about the awakening of lower caste people, the poor and the downtrodden people. He implored people to remove the caste barrier and consider every Indian as a brother.

Question 41. What is ‘Gora’?

Answer: Gora was a novel written by Rabindranath Tagore in the year 1910.

Question 42. When and in which magazine Gora was published serially?

Answer: From 1907 to 1909 Gora was published serially in the magazine named ‘Pravasi’.

Question 43. What is the subject-matter of the novel Gora?

Answer: Gora, written in the beginning of the twentieth century, dealt with doubts and conflicts in the minds of the Bengalees about social, moral and national issues.

Question 44. Who and when painted the picture of Bharat Mata?

Answer: Abanindranath Tagore in 1905 painted the picture of Bharat Mata.

Question 45. In which magazines were the cartoons of Ganendranath Tagore published?

Answer: Rabindranath Tagore’s cartoons were published in ‘Prabasi’ and ‘Modern Review' magazines.


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