Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation class 9


Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation Very Short Answer Type :

Question 1. What were the three principal organs of the League of Nations?

The three principal organs of the League of Nations were :

(1) The Assembly
(2) The Council and
(3) The Secretariat.

Question 2. Who could become members of the General Assembly of the League of Nations?
Answer: All the states which were the members of the League of Nations were essentially the members of the General Assembly.

Question 3. How were new members admitted in the League Assembly?
Answer: Any member could be admitted in the League Assembly by a vote of assent by 2/3 of the existing members.

Question 4. Name the two great powers which were not members of the League in the beginning.
Answer: The two great powers which were not members of the League, in the beginning, were U.S.A and Germany.

Question 5. Who elected the temporary members of the League Council?
Answer: The temporary members of the League Council were elected by the League Assembly.

Question 6. Name the countries which were first elected as members of the League Council.
Answer: The countries which were first elected as members of the League Council were England, France, Italy and Japan.

Question 7. What were the two autonomous bodies of the League of Nations?

The two autonomous bodies of the League of Nations were :

(1) The Permanent Court of International Justice
(2) The International Labour Organisation.

Question 8. When was the first session of the League convened?
Answer: The first session of the League was convened in 1920.

Question 9. Where was the first session of the League of Nations held?
Answer: The first session of the League of Nations was held in the city of Geneva, Switzerland. ‘

Question 10. When was the last session of the League of Nations held?
Answer: The last session of the League of Nations was held on 14th December 1939.

Question 11. What is Covenant?
Answer: The Constitution of the League of Nations is called Covenant

Question 12. How was the Secretary General of the League of Nations appointed?
Answer: The Secretary General of the League of Nations was appointed by the Council the Assembly was necessary.

Question 13. When was the Permanent Court of International Justice opened and where?
Answer: The Permanent Court of International Justice was opened in 1922 in Hague, the erstwhile capital of Holland.

Question 14. What was the function of the Permanent Court of International Justice?
Answer: The function of the Permanent Court of International Justice was to settle international disputes which might be referred to it by the Council of the League and interpreting international treaties and other legal complications.

Question 15. Who selected the name United Nations Organisation?
Answer: The name United Nations Organisation was selected by the American President Franklin Roosevelt.

Question 16. From where did Franklin Roosevelt select the name United Nations Organisation?
Answer: Franklin Roosevelt selected the name United Nations Organisation from Lord Byron‘s poem ‘The Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage’.

Question 17. When was the U.N.O established and where?
Answer: The U.N.O was first established on 24 October 1945 in New York, U.S.A.

Question 18. How many members are there in the Security Council of the U.N.  at present
Answer: There are 15 members in the Security Council of the U.N.O at present.

Question 19. For how many years and by whom are the members of the Security Council elected?
Answer: The members of the Security Council are elected for two years by the members of the General Assembly.

Question 20. How are new members admitted in the U.N.O?
Answer: New members are admitted in the U. N.O. on the recommendation of the Security Council and by a vote of assent by 2/3 of the existing members of General Assembly.

WB Class 9 History Question Answer

Question 21. What is the seventh principle enumerated in the UN Charter?
Answer: The seventh principle enumerated in the UN Charter is that UN would not interfere in matters strictly within the domestic jurisdiction of any state.

Question 22. How many principles have been mentioned in the UN Charter?
Answer: Seven principles have been mentioned in the UN Charter.

Question 23. Who is the present Secretary General of U.N.O?
Answer: The present Secretary General of U.N.O is Ban-Ki-Moon.

Question 24. How many charter members were there in the U.N.O.?
Answer: There were 51 charter members in the U.N.O.

Question 25. Which countries are the five members of the Security Council with the power of Veto?
Answer: The five members of the Security Council who have the power of Veto are U.S.A, U.S.S.R., England, France and China.

Question 26. What is the judicial organ of the United Nations?
Answer: The judicial organ of the United Nations is the International Court of Justice.

Question 27. How many judges are there in the International Court of Justice?
Answer: There are 15 judges in the International Court of Justice.

Question 28. How are the judges of the International Court of Justice elected?
Answer: The judges of the International Court of Justice are elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council.

Question 29. Name two organisations under the Economic and Social Council.
Answer: The two organisations under the Economic and Social, Council are UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation) and FAO (Food – and Agricultural Organisation).

Question 30. What does UNICEF stand for
Answer: UNICEF stands for United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.

Question 31. Where are the headquarters of WHO?
Answer: The headquarters of WHO are in Geneva.

Question 32. What does WHO stand for?
Answer: WHO stands for World Health Organisation.

Question 33. What does UNESCO stand for?
Answer: UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Question 34. What is the composition of the Trusteeship Council?
Answer: The Trusteeship Council is composed of the representatives of permanent members of Security Council, representatives of all those states which hold the administration of colonies and some representatives elected by the General Assembly.

Question 35. How is the head of the Secretariat of U.N.O. appointed?
Answer: The head of the Secretariat, the Secretary-General, is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council.

WB Class 9 History Question Answer

Question 36. Who were the original members of the League of Nations?
Answer: The Allied powers in the First World War who signed the different peace treaties, were called the original members of the League of Nations.

Question 37. What was the aim of the League of Nations?
Answer: The aim of the League of Nations was to maintain peace, order and security among the countries of the world.

Question 38. Where were the headquarters of the League of Nations?
Answer: The headquarters of the League of Nations were at Geneva, Switzerland.

Question 39. Which organ of the League had principal executive power?
Answer: During the time of the League, the Council had principal executive power.

Question 40. What did the Permanent Secretariat of the League consist of?
Answer: The Permanent Secretariat of the League consisted of a Secretary-General appointed by the Council and approved by the Assembly.

Question 41. Where was the Permanent Secretariat situated?
Answer: The Permanent Secretariat was situated at Geneva.

Question 42. What was the function of the World Court?
Answer: The Permanent Court of International Justice was to interpret any disputed point in international law. It also determined when treaty obligation had been violated.

Question 43. Which peace organisation was established after the Second World War?
Answer: The U.N.O was established after the Second World War.

Question 44. What is the executive authority of the U.N.O.?
Answer: The name of the executive authority of the U.N.O. is Security Council.

Question 45. Who signed the UN Charter for India?
Answer: Ramaswami Mudaliar. signed the UN Charter for India.

Chapter 7 The League Of Nations And The United Nations Organisation 2 Marks Questions And Answers

Question 1. How was the League of Nations founded?

The terrible repercussions of the First World War (1914-18) made a strong impact on the minds of the people and made them cry out for peace. President Woodrow Wilson of the United States of America took the initiative and made a plan to establish a world peace organization in 1920 known as the League of Nations which would solve disputes peacefully.

Question 2. With what aim was the League of Nations founded?
Answer: After the First World War (1914-18) an international peace organization known as the League of Nations was established in 1920 with

The following aims in view:

(1) To prevent armed conflict and to promote international peace and cooperation,
(2) To establish honorable relations among different nations
(3) To promote international disarmament in order to reduce tension and
(4) To find out ways and means for peaceful settlement of international disputes.

WB Class 9 History Question Answer

Question 3. Describe the structure of the League of Nations.

The League of Nations had four main organs, the first of which was the Assembly consisting of representatives of every member state, meeting once a year in Geneva. The second organ was the Council, i.e., the executive committee composed of one representative from each of the five permanent states (Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan) and a temporary of nine other member states, chosen by the Assembly.

The third was the Permanent Secretariat, located at Geneva. The fourth organ was the Permanent Court of International Justice which was a court of arbitration for the settlement of international disputes with its office at Hague.

Question 4. Write a note on the Covenant of the League of Nations.
Answer: The Constitution of the League of Nations, called the Covenant, consisted of 26 articles among which the tenth, twelfth, and sixteenth articles were of great significance.

(1) Under the tenth article of the Covenant, the members of the League of Nations promised to respect the political independence and territorial integrity of the member countries of the League.

(2) According to the twelfth article, the members unanimously decided to solve their problems through mutual negotiations.

Question 5. Give an account of the General Assembly of the League of Nations.

The League of Nations functioned through a number of organs, the most important of which was the Assembly. All the states which were the members of the League were essentially the members of the Assembly. Every member state could send three representatives, although no state had more than one vote.

The function of the Assembly of the League was:

(1) to establish world peace
(2) to resolve international disputes
(3) to extend international security and
(4) to work to safeguard the interests of minorities.

Question 6. Who were they? members of the League Council?

The members of the League Council were divided into two divisions:

(1) Permanent members
(2) Temporary members. There were five permanent members of the Council, viz. Great Britain U.S.A., France, Italy, and Japan. As the United States did not accept membership of the

League of Nations, the number of permanent members remained only four. The number of temporary members was four.

Question 7. What was the function of the Assembly of the League of Nations?

The function of the Assembly of the League of Nations was :

(1) To establish world peace
(2) To resolve international disputes
(3) To extend international security and (iv) to work to safeguard the interests of the minorities.

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Question 8. Give an account of the Council of the League of Nations.

The League Council comprised nine members, of which five were permanent and four temporary members. The five permanent members were Great Britain, U.S.A., France, Italy and Japan.


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